
Half or Full Dozen Roses
STANDARD IS 6 ROSES; DELUXE IS 12 ROSES. A traditional half or full dozen roses with filler and greenery designed in a vase is a great surprise for the one you love. GREENERY, FILLER FLOWER, AND VASE MAY VARY BASED ON INVENTORY. If you prefer another color, please specify in the special instructions, otherwise they will be red. Thank you for supporting our family business! We appreciate you!
Order within 3 hours 38 minutes for same-day delivery!
Shown at $105.00
STANDARD IS 6 ROSES; DELUXE IS 12 ROSES. A traditional half or full dozen roses with filler and greenery designed in a vase is a great surprise for the one you love. GREENERY, FILLER FLOWER, AND VASE MAY VARY BASED ON INVENTORY. If you prefer another color, please specify in the special instructions, otherwise they will be red. Thank you for supporting our family business! We appreciate you!

Shown at $105.00
Shown at $105.00
STANDARD IS 6 ROSES; DELUXE IS 12 ROSES. A traditional half or full dozen roses with filler and greenery designed in a vase is a great surprise for the one you love. GREENERY, FILLER FLOWER, AND VASE MAY VARY BASED ON INVENTORY. If you prefer another color, please specify in the special instructions, otherwise they will be red. Thank you for supporting our family business! We appreciate you!

Shown at $105.00
Same Day Delivery!

Valentine Plant
Designer's Choice
But what if they're a plant lover or you want to send something that will last? We'll choose what we believe is the perfect plant and will dress it up with all things Valentine!
Order within 3 hours 38 minutes for same-day delivery!

Spathiphyllum clevelandii
The peace lily plant brings peace and harmony to any space. These plants thrive in shady areas and tolerate fluorescent lights, making them perfect for experienced or newbie plant owners. Give this plant as a gift to convey hope and love. Choose one of our three sizes (measured by the diameter of the pot size): 6" (Standard), 8" (Deluxe), 10" (Premium).
Order within 3 hours 38 minutes for same-day delivery!
Shown at $65.00
Spathiphyllum Plant (Peace Lily) Basket With Liner.
The peace lily plant brings peace and harmony to any space. These plants thrive in shady areas and tolerate fluorescent lights, making them perfect for experienced or newbie plant owners. Give this plant as a gift to convey hope and love. Choose one of our three sizes (measured by the diameter of the pot size): 6" (Standard), 8" (Deluxe), 10" (Premium).

Shown at $65.00
Shown at $65.00
Spathiphyllum Plant (Peace Lily) Basket With Liner.
The peace lily plant brings peace and harmony to any space. These plants thrive in shady areas and tolerate fluorescent lights, making them perfect for experienced or newbie plant owners. Give this plant as a gift to convey hope and love. Choose one of our three sizes (measured by the diameter of the pot size): 6" (Standard), 8" (Deluxe), 10" (Premium).

Shown at $65.00
Same Day Delivery!